Psychological Testing for Pre-Employment
A preemployment psychological evaluation is a specialized examination to determine whether a public safety applicant meets the minimum requirements for psychological suitability mandated by jurisdictional statutes and regulations, as well as any other criteria established by the hiring agency.
Fitness for Duty Evaluation
A psychological FFDE is a formal, specialized examination of an incumbent employee that results from (1) objective evidence that the employee may be unable to safely or effectively perform a defined job and (2) a reasonable basis for believing that the cause may be attributable to a psychological condition or impairment. As such, an FFDE is considered a “medical” examination under the terms of the Americans with Disabilities Act.1 The central purpose of an FFDE is to determine whether the employee is able to safely and effectively perform his or her essential job functions.
Pre-Service Entry into the Police Academy (Act 120)
In accordance with the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission Standards, my evaluation includes all components (history and interview, personality testing) of the required psychological testing to be eligible for the Municipal Police Academy.

ACT 59
This legislation provides for mental health evaluations of Municipal Officers in three circumstances: where an officer requests an evaluation, where a Chief of Police refers an officer, or when an officer uses lethal force. Officers who are evaluated and determined to have symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) must be placed on administrative duty until they are cleared to resume full duties. Officers who refuse to undergo the required evaluation will be placed on administrative duty until they are evaluated.
ACT 235 Evaluation
In accordance with the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission Standards, the evaluation includes all components (history and interview, personality testing) of the required psychological testing to be eligible for Lethal Weapon’s Certification. Please see MPOETC “Forms” to download the MPOETC Lethal Weapons form (SP 8-200B)
Promotion Evaluation or Special Assignment Evaluation
A psychological evaluation ensuring that a member being placed in a leadership position or a high stress position such as a SWAT or SRT team is psychologically prepared to cope with the unique demands of this type of work.